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App updates

Updates for iOS, macOS and Android were released today with a new feature [...]

New regions available

Up until now, our VPN servers were located in two regions: North America, with servers in the east (New York) and west (Oregon) coasts and [...]

New app version and free trial option

We might have been quiet for the past couple of months, but we weren't taking a break! That's why [...]

Android app is here

It's no secret that we have been working on an Android version for a few months now, and today [...]

MacOS release and New Year's Giveaway!

For everyone who's been following us this comes as no surprise, but the wait for a [...]

New pricing and macOS update!

We are officially announcing a new and lower pricing for both monthly and annual subscriptions! [...]

iOS 13 and Dark Mode

Our latest app update (v1.3.1) was submitted to Apple earlier today and should be available to download shortly. [...]

Web Filter updates

Earlier today we added 139 trackers to the Web Filter, as you can find in the changelog inside the app. [...]

August 13th Updates

Last week, on August 6th, we updated our Web Filter with 27 new trackers. As we have already discussed in another [...]

VPN Security and Privacy

As previously discussed in the blog, our main goal was to enhance user's privacy on mobile devices by blocking [...]

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