5 Mar 2021 | Rafael Cimatti

Current regions

Up until now, our VPN servers were located in two regions: North America, with servers in the east (New York) and west (Oregon) coasts and South America, Brazil. The idea behind having multiple regions is to always offer a server close to the user's location, which means low latency and high bandwidth, wherever you are.

New regions

That's why we are happy to announce we're expanding to two new regions across the globe:

Select region

Users who are geographically closer to these new regions will have a much faster and nicer experience when connecting to our VPN service.

Automatic detection

You can find download the new app version in their respective app stores (iOS, Android, macOS) and you will find that, along with the possibility to connect to the new regions (tap the flag at the upper-right corner of the screen), new users will be automatically connected to the region that's closest to them, based on the device's region locale.

No restrictions

We've received some support enquiries on whether our service will work on a specific country and we want to make it clear: Users will be able to connect from anywhere in the world, these new regions are only meant to make the connection faster and with lower latency by offering servers that are closer to the users, but users can connect to any region at any time.

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