15 Jul 2019 | Rafael Cimatti

Welcome to the blog!

First of all, thank you for visiting our blog, which is where we will be posting about information security, digital privacy and new tech in general. The main idea behind this blog is to spread knowledge about different kinds of threats found on the internet these days and also how to mitigate them whenever possible.

Who are we?

Spod is a brazilian 🇧🇷 information security company. We started as a reseller in the B2B (Note: Portuguese content) market offering products and solutions to help enterprises with security and cryptography (Multi-Factor Authentication, PKI, HSMs, etc). It was late 2018 when we started building a solution to bring security and privacy to consumers directly. We felt we were in a good position to do so after some long experience in this industry.

Spod VPN & Web Filter

The result was our recently released app: Spod VPN & Web Filter. We wanted to start focusing on privacy and block third parties from snooping on users, somehow like a firewall. However, there weren't many options to control all the traffic from a device such as an iPhone/iPad due to iOS's security restrictions. Gladly, due to some fairly recent APIs from Apple, we found a way to manage the entire traffic system-wide: A VPN! By using the builtin VPN client we could tell iOS to route all its traffic through our VPN servers and then we could block malicious content such as ad trackers (we will talk more about this in future posts) and threats like malware, phishing and cryptojacking, among others. This, along with the intrinsic security of a VPN, opened up the possibility for an even better solution than we originally thought. Check out our homepage for more information.

That's all fow now, feel free to leave a comment and also check our social pages below.